
  • Bitcoin Is Crashing

     I have been posting these Bitcoin charts to StockTwits for a couple weeks now. As I am writing, $BCOIN has crashed more than 100 points off its highs earlier this morning though I am sure by the time you are reading this the price will have changed drastically again. This is not so much…

  • Thursday’s Social Media Panel at The Futures Industry Association Expo in NYC

    As social media increases the velocity of communications, financial institutions are getting more involved. Meanwhile, platforms such as StockTwits and Twitter are still relatively new and so the institutions themselves are faced with a myriad of questions and challenges around how to employ these tools. On Thursday, I will join Chair, Diane Saucier (who…

  • The Consumer Staples Bubble

    Early last year, I posted this 30 year General Mills ($GIS) chart. It was such a beauty and I bought some for the kids and retirement accounts. The very long term trend is sublime, though in hindsight I’m sure those who bought in the middle of 2008 did not feel that way as even…

  • Best of StockTwits Charts: Leaders and Bleeders

    Love love love pulling a few of this morning’s most interesting studies from The StockTwits Charts Streams for your viewing pleasure…. 1. All Time Highs Tend To Beget All Time Highs: Call it momentum, inertia, positive feedback loops or whatever, markets (and stocks) that make new highs have a tendency to continue higher. This…

  • Sooo Bullish: Individual Investors Raise Cash While Stocks Make New Highs

    On the last day of the 1st Quarter, the S&P 500 finally made its much anticipated All Time Closing High joining the Russell 2000 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average which made all time closing highs earlier this year. Meanwhile though, individual investors continue to raise cash. In the March data, published by The…

  • The Best Media April Fools Joke of All Time

    Way back in the day, way before the internet, Sport Illustrated published a story by George Plimpton about a baseball player named Sidd Finch, a Buddhist, signed by the Mets, with a 168mph fastball. The year was 1985, I was 17, and I recall coming home from school and my older brother and his…

  • End of Week Wrap With JC Parets

    JC Parets and I have begun making end of week videos using the Google Hangouts. They are quick, sharp and fun and we will get better and better at thm with every week I think. In the latest one we discuss the S&P 500/Vietnam pairs trade, the Q1 underperformance of the financials and the…

  • 2nd Quarter Outlook: Waiting for Godot…

    What are we doing here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in the immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come — ” – Samual Beckett Few corrections have been more highly anticipated than the one we are…