
  • Our Leaders Have No Idea What To Do Here

    The wise man learns from the mistakes of others, the average man learns from his own mistakes and the fool never learns. – Levin’s Mom I think Levin’s mom was misquoting Bismark but I like her version better. Before we wrap it up for the week, here are a few observations about the current…

  • this is just to say…

    Dear Abercrombie, If you do not want the situation guy to wear your clothes, do not pay him. Instead, stop making clothes for douchebags. Cheers, Phil ($ANF)

  • Magazine Covers Do Not Mark Bottoms

    While researching the Magazine Cover Effect, I came across this one from the October 20, 2008  New Yorker. It is a classic and captures the worst fears at the time complete with not only historical allusions of the stock market in America but to the death of Wall Street and of those clutching and…

  • Intraday Price Volatility and Sentiment Analysis: What I’m Looking Out For Here

    During 4 of the trading days last week, we saw wild and disjointed swings in the indices over short periods of time.  While some traders were able to exploit the environment, many got chopped around pretty good.  The instability subsided last Friday and also yesterday we saw relatively orderly action. To me, these large…

  • Expect Relatively Muted Volatility Today (08/12)

    As many have already pointed out, the markets have experienced unprecedented oscillating volatility this week with 4 consecutive 400 point days (2 down, 2 up)in the $DIA accompanied by extreme breadth (2 90% up, 2 90% down). My expectation is that on this Summer Friday, we’ll see relatively muted action with the intraday range…

  • Quick Poll: Does the Aug 9 110.27 Bottom Hold on the $SPY

    @MattKelmon thinks we made a bottom on the $SPY Tuesday afternoon:  I am curious how many agree or if most believe we are going lower.  Please take this quick poll:  

  • Far From The Maddening Crowd

    Some notes as I check in on the markets from the beach for the first time since Friday afternoon which might seem to some like an eternity ago. 1. Of course Gold is a currency.  Not only is it a currency, but we’ve been using it for coins since at least 700 B.C.  Here…

  • Where Is The Activist Threshold?

    I wonder what ingredients will be necessary to reawaken the activist spirit in America.  We could sure use it. It seems like we’ve had a secular bull market in apathy since the end of the civil rights movement and Vietnam. Meanwhile, our government has been broken for a long time and has proven itself…

  • This Market Is Not Nuts, You Are 🙂

    Periods of extreme price volatility have occurred for as long as there have been markets and they will continue to occur periodically as long as humans are involved.  Its normal for this to happen from time to time. The recent environment provides dedicated traders and investors a great opportunity to learn to process and prepare from…

  • The Time Mag Cover We’d Love to See

    Just a little Friday Fun after a Long and Volatile Week.