
  • Heading to New Orleans To Speak at the Options Industry Conference

    I’m heading down to New Orleans to speak at the 30th Annual Options Industry Conference. I will be on a panel Saturday morning at 10AM entitled The Future of Social Communications in Financial Services. I’ll be joined by a distinguished group including: Moderator: Jim Binder, Director of Public Relations, The Options Industry Council Scott Peterson, Co-Founder,…

  • The Next Killer Coffee Maker in a Post Green Mountain World

    Earlier in the week, I spent some time over at the Microsoft offices in NYC. They had a $SBUX coffee machine over there easier to operate than a Keurig that made freshly ground coffee. It was awesome. Here’s the photo I snapped of it: It made a good cup of coffee and I want…

  • Frontline’s Financial Crisis Series Is Epic

    Frontline’s four part series on the financial crisis entitled Money, Power and Wall Street is thorough, smart and riveting and all of the episodes are available here.  It is the very best television has to offer. PBS does an amazing job on their website too and includes a special section with full length interviews of…

  • Ethics vs. Alpha on Barnes & Noble

    As the awesome Joey Kunkle noted this morning, last Monday saw a huge call buyer in $BKS. Reviewing last week’s $BKS chart, we are able to speculate further that someone may have known something before news of $MSFT’s investment was made public this morning and was trading off of it. While I don’t condone…

  • Full Albums on YouTube Are Ridiculous

    Has anyone else noticed that recently more and more full albums are popping up on YouTube? The majority appear to have been posted in the last couple months. I’m not sure what the deal is or if it will last but who cares? Its light weight simple search accidental discovery listening goodness. Just start by…

  • Trading in the Wild

    Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face – Mike Tyson Its been more than 30 years since Kahneman & Tversky validated man’s innate propensity to be irrationally loss averse. And since then, thousands of studies have been conducted that detail every way people act which leads to unnecessary draw downs. (We avoid loss realization,…

  • Scott Thompson’s First Yahoo! Earnings Call Is All About Leadership

    Last night, Yahoo! ($YHOO) reported its first quarter of year over year net revenue growth since 2008. The stock is trading 3% higher but I think this pop has more to do with the perception of Scott Thompson’s performance on the call than the numbers or guidance. There’s nothing more important than the quality…

  • Standing Desk in Effect for the Home Office

    By now I am guessing that most of you have read about the negative health effects of sitting all day and the subsequent and increasing popularity of standing desks. I recently built a large standing desk for the home office where I spend many hours and am finding this to be a great hack…

  • Notes for Developing Financial Bloggers I: You Are Your Brand

    Everyday, I talk with financial bloggers at various stages of development. I get to know them, what they are working on, what motivates them and how they perceive the environment and their roles within it. Some of the bloggers I will work with more formally as they join the StockTwits Blog Network but many times we…

  • Is This a Massive Head and Shoulders Pattern on Best Buy?

    Here’s a 15 year chart of Best Buy ($BBY) and it looks like a massive head and shoulders pattern forming but not confirmed. Neckline @ 19-20…