
  • Video: The History of Silicon Valley & Intel

    This is such a great watch for those who are interested in the history of the US technology sector and Silicon Valley. An awesome Saturday night watch: Watch Silicon Valley on PBS. See more from American Experience. American Experience: Silicon Valley ht: cmattick $INTC $FCS  

  • Who Is the Next Apple?

    Apple had one the greatest runs in the history of markets, maybe the greatest, but that’s over so who might be the next $AAPL? Google? Is $GOOG too large already with a market cap of 250B plus? Maybe. The stock is a nine bagger so far from its IPO auction price of 85 in…

  • Chatting with Jim Rogers

    I spent some time this morning chatting with Jim Rogers. The audio is not perfect but I’m going ahead and posting it anyway, because my hunch is that many will learn and greatly enjoy. We focus the majority of the conversation on losses and Jim’s candor and self disclosure is both uncommon and incredibly…

  • Instagram and Gradual Iteration

    Taylor Hatmaker’s piece on ReadWrite sharply criticizes the latest iteration of Instagram on the web. She writes, The thing that makes Instagram special is that – until today – it was a social network with no web presence. There’s an inestimable charm to how Instagram feels walled-off in its mobile-only realm.  You just don’t interact with Instagram on desktop. The…

  • Ain’t the Beer Cold

        During the very best Maryland sports moments, I am reminded of my youth, listening to Chuck Thompson broadcast Orioles and Colts games. He is a folksy Baltimore legend and 1993 recipient of the National Baseball Hall of Fame’s Ford C. Frick Award for broadcasting. His tagline Ain’t the Beer Cold will stay…

  • Update: Recent Research Supporting the Value of Technical Analysis

    Last week, I wrote a post titled On the Absence of Formal Technical Analysis Education which attracted some attention from the financial blogosphere.  I strongly criticized universities for not broadly and more formally including technical analysis as a part of their curricula and I was surprised and very pleased by the attention because, as…

  • The Samsung Super Bowl Ad Mocks Lawsuit: Genius

    Make no mistake, this is a gigantuan F.U.   $AAPL $SSNLF  

  • Quick Note on Sentiment Here

    I’m hypothesizing that market sentiment here is a combination of 1. Very Positive and 2. Highly Fragile. Think about that combination for a moment. Many are bullish but there is an underlying anxiety or uncertainty to the bullishness which is subject to knee jerk quickly on a market pull back as small as 2-5%.…

  • Research In Motion: The Phone’s The Thing

        Was it over when the Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor? -John “Bluto” Blutarsky Tomorrow morning $RIMM will launch its most anticipated phone in the company’s history. I’m hearing some say that its too late for them, that they’ve already blown it getting crushed by an iPhone $RIMM once mocked and by an open…