
  • SFO Magazine Special: Learning How To Use StockTwits

    I did a column for the September issue of SFO Magazine on Learning How Use To StockTwits. It also includes a discount code for the StockTwits Edge which is sweet. The article also includes a video walk through of StockTwits and you can check it out here.

  • Technical Analysis & The Importance of Simplicity

    Simple statements are to be prized more highly than less simple ones because they tell us more; because their empirical content is greater; and because they are better testable. – Karl Popper I view charts as a representation of market behavior, the only mode of market experience which can be objectively observed. Future behavior…

  • Comparing Gold’s Move to The NASDAQ circa 1990-2000

    This chart comes to you from Serge Farra and was posted on the excellent Slope of Hope Blog. It compares the NASDAQ ($QQQ) from 1990-2000 to gold ($GLD) and breaks the respective charts into stealth, awareness and mania phases. It depicts gold presently as being in a huge bear trap and projects 2012 as…

  • Clouds so swift The rains fallin’ in…

    Clouds so swift The rains fallin’ in Gonna see a movie called Gunga Din Pick up your money Pull up your tent McGuinn. You ain’t a-goin’ nowhere The Bob Dylan songbook might be the perfect hurricane soundtrack… not just for the obvious like A Hard Rain’s A- Gonna Fall or Hurricane … The biblical…

  • Do not Sell Insurance and Buy Home Depot

    I am hearing hurricane trades everywhere and I do not like them here so please make it stop. I remember the days when this was really a trade but now everyone knows about them and writes about them. There are few stones left unturned. So please do not short the insurers and buy building…

  • Talking Gold On CNBC Today

    I did a spot on CNBC earlier today with Herb, Brian and Mandy and we discussed the recent selling in gold ($GLD) from technical, global macro and psychological perspectives. It was a lot of fun… You can watch the segment here:  

  • 20 Year SP500 Fibonacci Analysis

      This video below filmed by @newsagg is a wonderful analysis of Fibonacci ratios drawn on a 20 year chart of the SP500 ($SPX, $SPY). The confluence of the 61.8% line drawn from the early 90s bottom to the 2000 top and the 50% line drawn from the 2000 top to the 2008 bottom is…

  • Adios Gold, Next…

    As of this weekend, I am no longer long $GLD which was by far my largest position for a long time. I held this and traded around it for almost 4 years and have been watching the action extremely closely for a long time.  The following are some notes that were good for me to…

  • Automation, Employment and Kurt Vonnegut

    Remember the days Greenspan would trumpet productivity improvements brought on by the internet as a key factor in maintaining benign inflation during economic expansion? It was a great time. But these days, productivity gains brought on by the net as well as other technological advances only serve to exacerbate our nation’s inability to improve…

  • 10 Signs of a Gold Top

    After throwing water on the reliability claims that magazine covers predict major market inflections, I figured I would provide some signs to keep an eye out for that might signal a $GLD top. 10 Signs That Will Tell You Gold Has Topped 10. The Total Market Cap of the TSX Venture Exchange Surpasses that…