
  • Video Games, Technical Analysis and Visual Spatial Intelligence

     $CL_F it’s almost like playing video game… LOL! – @FractalTrades I’ve heard comparisons between trading and video games since online trading began back in the mid 90s. The reference is often made disparagingly as if trading was a kid’s game that is, like tv, a waste of time. There is a similarity between trading…

  • Writing Covered Calls After the Market Rips

    The best time to write calls is after the market rips like crazy. With the SP500 ($SPY) up 13% from the intraday low 9 trading days ago, now is likely a good time to sell some covered calls against longs. For investors with a longer time horizon, this is a way to incorporate strength…

  • xxxx Recommends Caution Into Google Earnings

    The following is a verbatim gmail chat I had this afternoon with a guy who knows $GOOG well. I don’t trade the stock especially around earnings and publish this now only because I had not heard these insights previously. If there is anyone out there who has a smart and novel bullish take into…

  • Gold Price and Position Update

    A quick price and position update on $GLD. I’m currently flat and looking to reestablish a long term position lower over an extended period of time. Last week, I posted this chart highlighting a potential bear flag. Below is an updated version of that chart with the upper level more clearly defined.   In contrast,…

  • A Sneak Peak at Research In Motion’s New Siri Killer

    <a href=”http://www.miracles.com/home.html”>Magic Eight Ball</a> 

  • Hotels Looking Better for 2012

    Over the weekend, I had brunch with a good friend who is an exec at one of the large publicly traded hotel cos. He has been in the industry for 15 years. I peppered him with questions and his take was well worth a post. He says revpar for next year looks better and…

  • More From Bill Fleckenstein

    Last Thursday after posting a direct quote from Bill Fleckenstsin I received a bunch of angry emails and a few comments claiming that I had misrepresented him. I quoted him directly fanatic people. So, here is Bill on video, answering specific questions, all contextualized….  He’s talking banks ($XLF), gold ($GLD), the economy and Mongolia…

  • Netflix Is On Tilt

    Last month when $NFLX announced Qwikster, it seemed a bit like they might be on tilt. I gave them the benefit of the doubt though because I could see the utility of the move. As Dan Frommer wrote then: Why is this happening? Because the future of Netflix is streaming videos. Period. Not mailing them to…

  • “Revolutions Are Infinite”: The Activist Threshold Revisited and Occupy Wall Street

    The world is kept alive only by heretics – Yvegeny Zamyatin The Occupy Wall Street protests began on September 17 and are picking up steam. A month before they began I wrote what now looks like a timely post called Where Is The Activist Threshold in which I discussed the long sleep of activism…

  • The Time I Got Mocked on Canadian TV

    A good friend of mine was a writer on The Rick Mercer Report, a prominent comedy series airing on CBC Television. A few years back after seeing a blog post I did with a photo of a pizza I’d made, he wrote this piece and they produced and aired it. My homie was mocking…