
  • Without Leadership and a Defined Frame Occupy Wall Street Risks Faltering

    I support Occupy Wall Street (OWS) and for those who read this blog that might already be apparent. Nevertheless, I am concerned that it faces two urgent problems that, unless corrected very soon, will lead to the unsuccessful end of the movement before the Winter Solstice. The below chart suggests that interest in OWS…

  • Talking Yahoo! on CNBC’s Fast Money Halftime

    Had the pleasure of joining the Fast Money Halftime crew today. Here’s the segment on $YHOO. For those who follow this blog and StockTwits regularly, you already know my thesis and position. As I have mentioned before and did in the clip, I can’t stress enough how important it is to not chase rumors…

  • Getting Bullish Intel

    I have no position yet but am looking to begin establishing one in $INTC over the next few weeks for a long term trade. The disparity between market expectations and reality, Tuesday’s earning surprise, the bullish market response yesterday in a down market and recent long term positive technical developments are catalysts for my…

  • What Groupon Should Be Doing Like Yesterday

    Someone is going to come along soon and create software as a service (or SaaS) for group couponing or daily deals. If I am able to figure this out, there must be some smart geeks somewhere already working it through on their own or as part of a larger company. It is surely the natural…

  • Apple, Intel and Post Earnings Announcement Drift

    Earlier this evening, $INTC beat analyst estimates and traded higher by 4.5% while $AAPL missed estimates and traded lower by 6.5%. My expectation is that tomorrow’s close will be critical in determining the direction of these stocks over the next few months. Here’s why. Analysts estimates serve as a proxy for market expectations. Stock prices…

  • Did Sprint Just Sell Its Soul for the iPhone?

    Just got an email from John Melloy over at CNBC with news of a lowered forecast on Sprint from Goldman Sachs. Here’s a portion of the note from Goldman: Walking through our iPhone forecasts. The launch of the iPhone is an important milestone for Sprint in its ability to compete on level footing with…

  • Saw Tooth Lunacy on the S&P 500

    In just less than 3 months, the SP500 has had 8 moves of 7% or more and 5 of 10% or more. 1. 18% (1346 to 1101) 2. 10% (1101 to 1208) 3. 7% (1208 to 1121) 4. 10% (1121 to 1230) 5. 8% (1230 to 1136) 6. 7% (1136 to 1220) 7. 13%…

  • Chartly Review: Backing Up the Lens with Weeklies and Monthlies

    The weekend is a great time to back up the lens and take a long term view of the charts we examine so microscopically while the casino is open for business. The following is a collection of weekly and monthly studies from Chartly which do just that. First up, an SP500 monthly via @LuckyElmo21.…

  • Eli Pariser on The Filter Bubble at Ted

    Search is exquisite genius and yet still woefully imperfect as we become experienced consumers of it and understand better what it could be. The race for personal relevance will not slow down but I do believe it will improve, with hiccups, or be disrupted over time. That said, the video below, a Ted talk by Eli…

  • We are the 1 Percent | We Stand with the 99 Percent

    This tumblog which was created only 4 days ago is quite evocative and gaining a large following quickly. It displays pics sent in from the 1%ers who show support for the Occupy Wall Street movement. The About Us section of the blog states: We have more than we need, while the 99 percent struggles to survive. This…