
  • Shock Your Body Everyday

    Woke up at 5 this morning to play hoops with some friends. It felt great and now I am zoned in… I have been reading Altucher since TheStreet.com days and more days than not I still read his latest incarnation which is more spiritual than market focused. He provides a lot of lessons and…

  • Starbucks and the McDonaldization of French Pastries

      Starbucks did the same thing to the coffee house that McDonalds did to hamburger joints. It took a fragmented food and beverage vertical and consolidated it by refining operational efficiency, quality controls, predictability and calculability in order to scale. Starbucks McDonaldized the coffee house. The Starbucks move to buy La Boulange is also…

  • My Fave Vid of the Year from Lazerow…

    Buddy Media is getting bought by $CRM for 651m. I am elated for Michael and Kass. Michael, especially, has been an inspiration to me (not even sure he knows it). He’s just an awesome guy and conducts business in a way that I love and admire.  He’s also fearless… He dropped this vid this…

  • How To Invest In A Low Interest Rate Environment

    The ten year yield is making crazy record low yields ($TNX) this morning… Here’s what I have been doing whether we are in a super low interest rate environment or not but this is especially powerful I think during such periods… When it comes to trading, my pal @Fibline likes to say, “keep it…

  • On Sendak’s Obituary in The Economist

    The Economist’s recent obituary of children’s author Maurice Sendak got me thinking about parenting. J.F. writes, His books are often called dark; they are not, or not deliberately so. They are instead faithful to the powerlessness and terror that comes with being a child, with having to figure out the rules as you go,…

  • Definitely Not Trending…

    I snapped this photo on an Amtrak train early yesterday morning. Its a billboard next to the train door advertising a new tv show on VH1. There is nothing less spontaneous, real time or social than posting a hashtag on a billboard. Effective social marketing begins when you share something awesome on the stream…

  • Social Trends: Drug Related Stocks & Biotechs Gain Huge Social Momentum on StockTwits

    This morning we launched two new Social Signals on StockTwits. Social Stocks Signals allow members to analyze larger trends related to changes in the discussion volume for individual stocks as well as industries. We call this social momentum. While the features are still hot off the presses, I am already finding provocative trends. For…

  • Facebook Reality Check

    Facebook has been a public company for 2 trading days and with the amount of ink spilled and judgments passed, one would think this stock was the next Enron. Did the deal get done above fair value? Sure. Are the bankers pigs? Duh. Did some investors make an ungodly amount of money? Ya. Did…

  • The Facebook Proxy: Noise Trader Arbitrage Post Mortem

    On Tuesday, I wrote a post recommending that you not hang around too long if you are attempting to arbitrage the noise around the Facebook IPO and trade the proxies such as $GSVC and $ZNGA. I wrote: The smartest guys got in last Friday, the second smartest guys got in yesterday and the third smartest guys…

  • Facebook Is Dominating Discussion on StockTwits

    Earlier this week, we added Facebook to the StockTwits Social Heatmap. This is symbol $FB and it truly is the Human Ticker. Over the last 72 hours, I have observed the social momentum on the heatmap building. The investment community is simply riveted. You can catch the Facebook stream here, watch what the world is…