
  • S&P 500 8 Day Win Streaks

    Yesterday, The S&P 500 closed higher for the 8th consecutive day. It was the first time since November of 2004 that the large cap index had such a long win streak (ht: @eddyelfenbein). I was curious to see how the $SPX fared after that last streak 8+ years ago. Here’s the chart: Two things…

  • Here’s The Thing About Animal Spirits

    Here’s the thing about animal spirits. They are not rational by definition. Propulsion is not guided by executive functioning. They are not frontal cortex. Animal spirits are pre cortex. lower brain, instinctual, id, the amygdala. Remove your preconceived notions of logic or the S&P’s historic P/E or job growth or even bollinger bands and how many standard deviations…

  • Ray Dalio Interview Is Must Watch

    Observing Ray Dalio provides investors the opportunity to learn from the best at what we do. In Sorkin’s excellent CNBC interview from this AM in Davos, Dalio meanders through a number of topics from the Macro & Europe to Japan to gold to bonds. Dalio, who started Bridgewater with 5M in 1985 and turned it into…

  • Throw Your Hands Up In The Air & Buy ’em Higher Like You Just Don’t Care

        There are so many out there who have missed this rally or who have been trying to short every rip. Its excruciating for those who have not participated. You will get tempted and tempted again to throw your hands up in the air and buy ’em higher like you just don’t care as you…

  • On the Absence of Formal Technical Analysis Education

    Its absurd that universities still do not formally teach the study of price behavior (technical analysis) and it seems academic finance is way out of touch with real market participants and real risk management. The study of price behavior is as basic to markets as the study of human behavior is to psychology. It is…

  • If DeMark Is Right About Apple, Its Insanely Bullish for the Large Cap Indices

    Since September 18th, $AAPL, the largest market cap stock in the universe, has fallen 30% while the SP500 has managed to eek out a 1% gain. This was a healthy rotation out of a single stock which contributed an outsized positive influence on the broad market during its glorious ascent for  almost  3.5 years…

  • 4 Key Apple Inc Charts To Watch

    More than 100 $AAPL charts have been posted to the StockTwits Charts Stream in the last day. I pulled four of the many excellent ones as they are key here to keep an eye on… First, the Weekly via @stocktiger who notes the confluence of the major trend line and the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement…

  • Its Official: Jeff Bezos Won the Internet

      When you have a gargantuan speculative bubble, the majority of wildly overpriced assets never even come close to returning to their old high prices much less surpassing them. 400 years ago, at the height of tulipmania, a single bulb sold for the 34,584$ in Amsterdam and today, 400 years later, one sells for…

  • Global Social Network Consolidation

      The above gif comes from the Vincos Blog and shows the dominant social network by country across the globe from June 2009 to December 2012. Note the consolidation in the number of dominant sites over the 4 year period from 17 to 5. Facebook has now established its leadership position in 127 out…

  • Deep Focus Digital & Social Marketing Outlook for 2013

    Just spent some time with this excellent presentation by Ian Schafer and Deep Focus. If you are focused on social marketing or the fundamental analysis of social platforms, this idea that “digital and social media has converged” should be no surprise. So what are the implications and where does that lead? Take a closer look:…